Friday, February 27, 2015

2/27/15 Homework

Dream Team Announcement
The Dream Team will be selling Yankee Candles as a fundraiser
for the next two weeks: 2/23/15 - 3/6/15
*Prize incentives for selling the most candles! -- Info inside the fundraising packets*

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  None
8th:  The Federalists in Charge Packet
        Start reviewing work -- quiz on Tuesday
7th and 8th Grade retakes will be given on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th -- after school in room 207
*You must sign up to retake the test by Friday, Feb. 27th.  All assignments for the unit must be completed to be eligible for the retake.*

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Composite Figure (Test-Friday, March 6)
8th - None (minitest - Tuesday, March 3)
Honors - Algebra WS pg. 26 (minitest - Wednesday, March 4)

Thursday, February 26, 2015

2/26/15 Homework

Dream Team Announcement
The Dream Team will be selling Yankee Candles as a fundraiser
for the next two weeks: 2/23/15 - 3/6/15
*Prize incentives for selling the most candles! -- Info inside the fundraising packets*

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Area
8th - None (minitest - Tuesday, March 3)
Honors - Algebra WS pg. 35 (minitest - Wednesday, March 4)

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Study -- Ch. 9 Sec. 1 Quiz
8th:  Complete Tuesday & Wednesday's work & turn it in.
        Start reviewing work -- quiz on Monday
7th and 8th Grade retakes will be given on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th -- after school in room 207
*You must sign up to retake the test by Friday, Feb. 27th.  All assignments for the unit must be completed to be eligible for the retake.*

Reading - Dr. Gibbons and/or Mrs. Loiseau
Read 20 minutes a night/4 times a week
Book project due 3/31

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

2/25/15 Homework

Dream Team Announcement
The Dream Team will be selling Yankee Candles as a fundraiser
for the next two weeks: 2/23/15 - 3/6/15
*Prize incentives for selling the most candles! -- Info inside the fundraising packets*

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Perimeter and Circumference
8th - Greatest Common Factor (minitest - Tuesday, March 3)
Honors - Algebra WS pg. 25 (minitest - Wednesday, March 4)

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Ch. 9 Sec. 1 Review -- Start Studying - Ch. 9 Sec. 1 Quiz on Friday
8th:  Complete today's assignment on Alexander Hamilton.  
7th and 8th Grade retakes will be given on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th -- after school in room 207
*You must sign up to retake the test by Friday, Feb. 27th.  All assignments for the unit must be completed to be eligible for the retake.*

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2/24/15 Homework

Dream Team Announcement
The Dream Team will be selling Yankee Candles as a fundraiser
for the next two weeks: 2/23/15 - 3/6/15
*Prize incentives for selling the most candles! -- Info inside the fundraising packets*

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - None
8th - Multiplying a Monomial by a Polynomial (minitest-Tuesday, March 3)
Honors - Algebra WS pg. 25

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Look over Ch. 9 Sec. 1 Notes on Google Classroom
8th:  Complete Today's Assignment and turn it in -- Problems of a New Nation

Monday, February 23, 2015

2/23/15 Homework

Dream Team Announcement
The Dream Team will be selling Yankee Candles as a fundraiser
for the next two weeks: 2/23/15 - 3/6/15
*Prize incentives for selling the most candles! -- Info inside the fundraising packets*

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Study (minitest-Tuesday, February 24)
8th - None
Honors - Algebra WS pg. 23

Friday, February 20, 2015

2/20/15 Homework

Dream Team Announcement
The Dream Team will be selling Yankee Candles as a fundraiser
for the next two weeks: 2/23/15 - 3/6/15
*Prize incentives for selling the most candles! -- Info inside the fundraising packets*

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:   Crossword Puzzle: China -- Optional Assignment -- Quiz grade -- due Tuesday!
8th:   None

Reading- Dr. Gibbons and/or Mrs. Loiseau
7th and 8th grade:
1.) Read 20 minutes a night/ 4 times a week
2.) Book Project due 3/31/15

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - None (Minitest-Tuesday, February 24)
8th - None
Honors - None

Thursday, February 19, 2015

2/19/15 Homework

Reading- Dr. Gibbons and/or Mrs. Loiseau

  • Read 20 minutes a night/ 4 times a week
  • Book Project due 3/31/15

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Quadrilaterals (Minitest-Tuesday, February 24)
8th - Graphing Quadratic Functions
Honors - Study  (Test, Performance Assessment, Notebook-Friday, February 20)

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Study for tomorrow's test - China
         Crossword Puzzle: China -- Optional Assignment -- Quiz grade -- due Monday
8th: Study for tomorrow's test - Constitution

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

2/18/15 Homework

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Triangle Inequality (Minitest-Tuesday, February 24)
8th - Quadratic Functions
Honors - Study  (Test, Performance Assessment, Notebook-Friday, February 20)

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Study for tomorrow's Quiz - Ch. 8 Sec. 2 & 3 
        Complete Chapter Study Guide -- Test on Friday!
        Crossword Puzzle: China -- Optional Assignment -- Quiz grade -- due Monday
8th: Complete Constitution Study Guide -- Test on Friday!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

2/12/15 Homework

Dream Team Gators of the Week

Elizabeth Eimer & Tom Goetz

Julie Harrington & Nick Umile

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Triangles (Minitest-Friday, February 20)
8th - None
Honors - Study Guide (Test, Performance Assessment, Notebook-Wednesday, February 18)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2/11/15 Homework

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Complementary and Supplementary Angles
8th - Study  (Polynomials Test-Thursday, February 12)
Honors - pg.459 #9-12, 23-31 (Test, Performance Assessment, Notebook-Tuesday, February 17)

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Ch. 8 Sec. 2 Review
8th:  Study for 3 Branches of Government Quiz -- tomorrow

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2/10/15 Homework

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Angle Relationships
8th - Study Guide (Polynomials Test-Thursday, February 12)
Honors - pg.450 #8-24 (Test, Performance Assessment, Notebook-Tuesday, February 17)

Reading- Dr. Gibbons 
7th and 8th grade: 1.) 3rd Marking Period Benchmark tomorrow- Review Study Guide  2.) Book Project due 3/31

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  None
8th:  Study for 3 Branches of Government Quiz -- moved to Thursday

Monday, February 9, 2015

2/9/15 Homework

Middle School Announcements
  • Chromebook Forms and your $25 deposit must be turned in before you can receive your chromebook.  You can find the forms and checklist on Gateway's website:
    • Click on  "Chromebook Initiative" on the homepage.  Then click "Forms" at the top of the next page.

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Intro to Geometry
8th - None (Polynomials Test-Thursday, February 12)
Honors - Rational Exponents WS

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Study for Ch. 8 Sec. 1 Quiz tomorrow
8th:  Study for Three Branches of Government Quiz - Wednesday
Constitution Handbook Textbook Pages 

Science - Mrs. Eckley
7th Grade - Test tomorrow. Study guide with answers is on our Google Classroom in case you need it.
8th Grade - Test re-takes are this week either Wednesday during lunch or after school or Thursday during lunch. Please sign up in class if you are thinking of taking the re-take.

Friday, February 6, 2015

2/6/15 Homework

Middle School Announcements
  • Chromebook Forms and your $25 deposit must be turned in before you can receive your chromebook.  You can find the forms and checklist on Gateway's website:
    • Click on  "Chromebook Initiative" on the homepage.  Then click "Forms" at the top of the next page.
  • 9th Grade Registration will close on Friday.  Make sure you are registered before that deadline.  Also, the yellow registration forms must be signed and returned to Mrs. Clark ASAP.

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - None
8th - Adding and Subtracting Polynomials (Polynomials Test-Thursday, February 12)
Honors - None

Reading- Dr. Gibbons and/or Mrs. Loiseau
7th and 8th Grade- Read 20 minutes a night/ 4 time a week 

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Complete - The Three Teachings of Ancient China -- Due Monday
         Study Chapter 8 Section 1 Quiz on Tuesday
8th:  Complete - The Executive Branch & Qualifications for President -- Due Monday
         Study -- Three Branches of Government Quiz on Wednesday

Thursday, February 5, 2015

2/5/15 Homework

Middle School Announcements
  • Chromebook Forms and your $25 deposit must be turned in before you can receive your chromebook.  You can find the forms and checklist on Gateway's website:
    • Click on  "Chromebook Initiative" on the homepage.  Then click "Forms" at the top of the next page.
  • 9th Grade Registration will close on Friday.  Make sure you are registered before that deadline.  Also, the yellow registration forms must be signed and returned to Mrs. Clark ASAP.
Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Study (Inequalities Test-Friday, February 6)
8th - Intro to Polynomials
Honors - Study (Minitest-Friday, February 6)

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Crossword Puzzle - Asia -- due tomorrow
8th:  Study for tomorrow's quiz -- Preamble & Article 1

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2/4/15 Homework

Middle School Announcements
  • Chromebook Forms and your $25 deposit must be turned in before you can receive your chromebook.  You can find the forms and checklist on Gateway's website:
    • Click on  "Chromebook Initiative" on the homepage.  Then click "Forms" at the top of the next page.
  • 9th Grade Registration will close on Friday.  Make sure you are registered before that deadline.  Also, the yellow registration forms must be signed and returned to Mrs. Clark ASAP.
Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Study Guide (Unit Test-Friday, February 6)
8th - None
Honors - pg.443 #8-23 (Minitest-Friday, February 6)

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Crossword Puzzle - Asia -- Due Friday (Quiz Grade)
8th:  Study for Friday's Quiz -- Preamble & Article 1

Science - Mrs. Eckley
7th Grade - Test has be rescheduled for Tuesday, 2/10. All students were given a copy of the study guide answers today and in class and were encouraged to take the study guide home to prepare for the test.
8th Grade - Some groups have still not submitted their video project - please do so ASAP.
Test is Friday, 2/6. Answers to EPE classwork and study guide are posted on the Google Classroom Science page.
To join our google classroom, log in to your gmail. Next to your name in the upper right hand corner, click on the little squares. Click "More" and then you should see the green Classroom icon. To join a class, enter the correct code for your class.
3rd period code to join Science Class: k5fbsoq
4th period code to join Science Class: 3t3smz
8th period code to join Science Class: 9sxfb5

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

2/3/15 Homework

Middle School Announcements
  • Chromebook Forms and your $25 deposit must be turned in before you can receive your chromebook.  You can find the forms and checklist on Gateway's website:
    • Click on  "Chromebook Initiative" on the homepage.  Then click "Forms" at the top of the next page.
  • 9th Grade Registration will close on Friday.  Make sure you are registered before that deadline.  Also, the yellow registration forms must be signed and returned to Mrs. Clark ASAP.
Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Solving 2-Step Inequalities (Unit Test-Friday, February 6)
8th - Study (Minitest-Wednesday, February 4)
Honors - pg.429 #9-27 odd
               pg.437 #19-37 odd (Minitest-Friday, February 6)

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Crossword Puzzle - Asia -- Due Friday (Quiz Grade)
8th:  None

Monday, February 2, 2015

2/2/15 Homework

Middle School Announcements
  • Chromebook Forms and your $25 deposit must be turned in before you can receive your chromebook.  You can find the forms and checklist on Gateway's website:
    • Click on  "Chromebook Initiative" on the homepage.  Then click "Forms" at the top of the next page.
  • 9th Grade Registration will close on Friday.  Make sure you are registered before that deadline.  Also, the yellow registration forms must be signed and returned to Mrs. Clark ASAP.
Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Solving 1-Step Inequalities (Unit Test-Friday, February 6)
8th - Practice 7-5 (Minitest-Wednesday, February 4)
Honors - Practice 7-1/7-2 (Minitest-Friday, February 6)

Reading- Dr. Gibbons and Mrs. Loiseau
7th and 8th grade- Read 20 minutes a night 4 times a week

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Ch. 7 or Benchmark 2 Retakes -- tomorrow after school in the library.  All HW and Reviews must be completed in order to be eligible.
8th:  Ch. 8 or Benchmark 2 Retakes -- tomorrow after school in the library.  All HW and Reviews must be completed in order to be eligible.