Tuesday, September 30, 2014

9/30/14 Homework

Reading- Dr. Gibbons and/or Mrs. Loiseau
7th and 8th grade:
Read 20 minutes a night/ 4 times a week
Book project due 10/29

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - 4B Review (Unit Test - Tuesday, October 7)
8th - None
Honors - None

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th:  Study for Geography Test -- tomorrow
8th:  None

Science - Mrs. Eckley

7th Grade - Project trading cards due 10/8. Please email if you need the assignment, rubric, or template.
Test Thursday - Please finish study guide for homework if not done in class.

 8th Grade - Science
All classwork is due by Friday.
Last day to make up Quiz is Wednesday, Oct 1
Test Thursday - finish study guide if not done in class.