Wednesday, December 17, 2014

12/17/14 Homework

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Properties of Numbers
8th - Finish Pizzazz pg. 161-162 (Minitest-Monday, December 21)
Honors - None (Performance Assessment-Friday, December 19 and Chapter 5 Test and Notebook-Monday, December 22)

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco 
National Geographic Bee will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 23rd.  Keep Quizzing ONLINE:

7th:  Organize your Notebook
8th:  Study for Ch. 7 Sec. 1 & 2 Quiz -- tomorrow

Reading- Dr. Gibbons
Read 20 minutes a night 4 times a week
2nd MP Reading Project due 12/23 

Resource Reading - Mrs. Loiseau  
Read 20 minutes a night 4 times a week
2nd MP Reading Project due 1/21