Thursday, September 17, 2015

9/17/15 Homework

Middle School Announcement
**Don't forget to bring in your $25 
and paperwork for your Chromebooks**

**Middle School Back to School Night is tonight 6:30pm

Resource Reading - Mrs. Loiseau:
  • Summer Reading Project is due tomorrow! (quiz grade)
  • Read 15-20 minutes each night/ 4x a week
Resource English- Mrs. Loiseau
Bring in a picture of yourself for your Fictional Autobiography by tomorrow!

Reading- Dr. Gibbons
  • Summer Reading Project is due tomorrow (quiz grade)
  • Read 20 minutes per night/ 4x a week
Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Rounding Practice
8th - Distributive Property

The Gateway Cheerleading squad is selling Yankee 
If you're interested, click on the link.
Group # 990083428
Seller: Patty56