Tuesday, November 17, 2015

11/17/15 Homework

Dream Team Gators of the Week 

Autumn Crespo & Joey Spence

All money raised will go to benefit 
Middle School activities & trips.

Math - Mrs. Johnson
7th - Study  (Quiz - Wednesday, November 18)
8th - Graphing Equations (Quiz - Friday, November 20)

Mrs. Loiseau 7th grade
Reading - Select a new book for marking period 2 book project
English - Study literary terms

Language Arts Reading - Miss Spadano
Please Charge Chrome Books (If you don't have one: go to the library at 7:30 am)
7th & 8th - Select a new book for our Book Project for Marking Period 2.  Read 15-20 minutes every night, 4 days each week.  Mini assignments will be completed along the way, that reflect comprehension during stages of your reading, instead of waiting until the end of the book.  
7th Grade: #1 and #2
1. 5 points about the folktale that you selected during our web research:
  1. Title
  2. Culture of origin
  3. When?
  4. What supernatural event occurred?
  5. Lesson taught by the folktale, such as: Don't open the door for wolves, or people who are like wolves :)

2. Continue completing the folktale summary: The People Could Fly.  (Quiz - Friday, November 20th).

Title and Genre: (kind of story- example: short story, folktale...)
Setting ( example: woods, farm, plantation, name of country, year/century)
Conflict (we'll be discussing this in class tomorrow)
Main Events in sequential order (we'll discuss this in class tomorrow also)