Tuesday, November 3, 2015

11/3/15 Homework

All money raised will go to benefit 
Middle School activities & trips.
Physical Education
7th grade is having a weight room test on Friday Nov. 13th.
8th grade is having a Lacrosse test on Friday Nov. 13th.

Language Arts Reading - Miss Spadan
Please Charge Chrome Books (If you don't have one: go to the library at 7:30 am)
7th - Short Story & Book Projects - due by midnight tonight. If your Graphic Comic isn't turned in, please complete it, and turn it in on Monday, 11.9.15
8th - Book Projects - due by midnight tonight

Social Studies - Ms. Mangiocco
7th: Ch. 3 Study Guide -- due Monday -- Test on Tuesday
        Project Corrections -- due Monday -- Located on Google Classroom (Optional)
        Benchmark 1 Review -- due Wednesday -- Test on Thursday
8th: Benchmark 1 Review -- if you want to be eligible to Benchmark 1 Retake.

Mrs. Loiseau
Reading - Read 15-20 minutes, select new book for book project next marking period. 

Mrs. Loiseau
English - No homework